KHAS LITLAB Personal Data Protection Series: Deepfake Technology and Post-Mortem Personality Rights
25 May 2021
The new conference series of the Kadir Has University Law and Information Technologies Laboratory (LITLAB) is starting! In the monthly series, various issues related to personal data protection will be discussed. The inaugural conference of the series of personal data protection will be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 16.00, with the topic u201cDeepfake Technology and Post-Mortem Personality Rightsu201d by Prof. Dr. Hasan Dau011f and Prof. Dr. Bau015fak Baysal.
Zoom Meeting ID: 862 3901 6732
Password: 200962
KHAS Faculty of Law Wednesday Conferences – Prof. Tuğrul Katoğlu
IT Law Workshop IV – Dr. Cemile Turgut